Many adaptative context-aware middleware exist and mostly rely on so-called vertical architectures that offer a functional decomposition for context-awareness. This architecture has a weak point: it leads to data centralization. Our mechanism for adaptation: the Aspects of Assemblies is based on a horizontal architecture. This type of architecture separate the system into behavior and is based on a decentralized approach. However, after having shown some limitations of AAs in the field of context-awareness we will introduce a way to improve them using a multi-cycle weaving approach. Then, using this approach we will be able to build contextadaptative systems that interact directly with their environment. Finally we will evaluate our approach in term of reactivity. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.9 [Software Engineering]: Configuration Management; D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics—performance measures General Terms Management, Design, Measurement Keywords Ubiquitous com...