

Context-based Semantic Mediation in Web Service Communities

15 years 3 months ago
Context-based Semantic Mediation in Web Service Communities
Communities gather Web services that provide a common functionality, acting as an intermediate layer between end users and Web services. On the one hand, they provide a single endpoint that handles user requests and transparently and invokes Web services, thus abstracting the selection task and leveraging the provided quality of service level. On the other hand, they maximize the visibility and use rate of Web services. However, data exchanges that take place between Web services and the community endpoint raise several issues, in particular due to semantic heterogeneities of data. Specific mediation mechanisms are required to adapt data operated by Web services to those of the community. Hence, mediation facilititates interoperability and reduces the level of difficulty for Web services to join and interact with communities. In this chapter, we propose a mediation approach that builds on 1) context-based semantic representation for Web services and the Michael Mrissa PReCISE Research ...
Michael Mrissa, Stefan Dietze, Philippe Thiran, Ch
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where WWW
Authors Michael Mrissa, Stefan Dietze, Philippe Thiran, Chirine Ghedira, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar
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