Except for a handful of "mobile" Web sites, the Web is designed for browsing with personal computers with large screens capable of fitting the content of most Web pages. On the contrary, browsing with handhelds, such as smallscreen PDA's or cell phones, usually involves a lot of horizontal and vertical scrolling, thus, making Web browsing time-consuming and strenuous. At the same time, one is often interested only in a fragment of a Web page, which again may not fit in the limited-size screens of mobile devices, requiring more scrolling in both dimensions. In this paper, we address the problem of browsing fatigue in mobile Web access using the notion of context. Our prototype system, CMo, reduces information overload by allowing its users to see and navigate between fragments of a Web page. On following a link, CMo captures the context of the link, employing a simple topic-boundary detection technique; it uses the context to identify relevant information in the next pag...
Yevgen Borodin, Jalal Mahmud, I. V. Ramakrishnan