

Context Uncertainty in Requirements Engineering Definition of a Search Strategy for a Systematic Review and Preliminary Result

8 years 11 months ago
Context Uncertainty in Requirements Engineering Definition of a Search Strategy for a Systematic Review and Preliminary Result
Abstract. [Context and motivation] Cyber-physical systems (CPS) and selfadaptive systems (SAS) strongly rely on the context they are operating in and need to adapt their behavior at run-time based on contextual information. Therefore, it is challenging to completely predict the context of such systems for their entire operating time already at design time. [Question/problem] Since several approaches dealing with uncertainty have been proposed for different research and problem domains in recent years, some might provide valuable insights for the engineering of CPS or SAS in uncertain contexts. However, there is no study so far that provides an overview of them. [Principle ideas/results] Thus, we aim at conducting a systematic literature analysis to create a research landscape of approaches coping with context uncertainty. [Contribution] We manually searched one journal and the proceedings of two conferences in the requirements engineering field to determine and evaluate the adequatenes...
Jennifer Brings, Andrea Salmon, Selda Saritas
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Jennifer Brings, Andrea Salmon, Selda Saritas
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