

From Continuous to Discrete Games

14 years 4 months ago
From Continuous to Discrete Games
Computer games follow a scheme of continuous simulation, coupling the rendering phase and the simulation phase. That way of operation has disadvantages that can be avoided using a discrete event simulator as a game kernel. This paper proposes to integrate a discrete event simulator (DESK) to manage the videogames events. The videogame kernel used is Fly3D. The new kernel is called DFly3D. It allows a discrete event simulation scheme and the rendering and simulation phase independence. The integration objective has been to maintain the Fly3D main structure and functionality, changing only the events management. The videogames objects behavior and interconnection is modeled by message passing. Maintaining the videogame quality, the videogames created using DFly3D allow to reduce the computer power used to execute it. That allows to execute the videogame in computers with less computing power or to improve the game quality.
Inmaculada García, Ramón Mollá
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CGI
Authors Inmaculada García, Ramón Mollá Vayá, Pedro Morillo
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