

Continuous refinement of agent resource estimates

14 years 4 months ago
Continuous refinement of agent resource estimates
The challenge we address is to reason about projected resource usage within a hierarchical task execution framework in order to improve agent effectiveness. Specifically, we seek to define and maintain maximally informative guaranteed bounds on projected resource requirements, in order to enable an agent to take full advantage of available resources while avoiding problems of resource conflict. Our approach is grounded in well-understood techniques for resource projection over possible paths through the plan space of an agent, but introduces three technical innovations. The first is the use of multi-fidelity models of projected resource requirements that provide increasingly more accurate projections as additional information becomes available. The second is execution-time refinement of initial bounds through pruning possible execution paths and variable domains based on the current world and execution state. The third is exploitation of additional semantic information about tasks tha...
David N. Morley, Karen L. Myers, Neil Yorke-Smith
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ATAL
Authors David N. Morley, Karen L. Myers, Neil Yorke-Smith
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