

Continuous trajectory planning of mobile sensors for informative forecasting

14 years 17 days ago
Continuous trajectory planning of mobile sensors for informative forecasting
This paper addresses planning of continuous paths for mobile sensors to reduce uncertainty in some quantities of interest in the future. The mutual information between the measurement along the continuous path and the future verification variables defines the information reward. Two expressions for computing this mutual information are presented: the filter form extended from the state-of-the-art and the smoother form inspired by the conditional independence structure. The key properties of the approach using the filter and smoother strategies are presented and compared. The smoother form is shown to be preferable because it provides better computational efficiency, facilitates easy integration with existing path synthesis tools, and most importantly, enables correct quantification of the rate of information accumulation. A spatial interpolation technique is used to relate the motion of the sensor to the evolution of the measurement matrix, which leads to the formulation of the optima...
Han-Lim Choi, Jonathan P. How
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Han-Lim Choi, Jonathan P. How
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