

Contour Map Reconstruction via Multi-Module Parallel Computational Scheme

14 years 1 months ago
Contour Map Reconstruction via Multi-Module Parallel Computational Scheme
Module-1 :Computation of gradient directions. Reconstruction of a set of imperfect contour curves which is extracted :Assignment of discreteheight to contourcurves. from a topographical map is one of the importantproblems in the field Module-3 :Reconstruction of three-dimensionalconfigurations. of geometrical information processing. This Paper reports a novel 1, order to make our explanation clear, let us defme several notations. multi-module parallel computational scheme to solve the reconstruction problem.-The system recovers the three-dimensional ground configuration only from the imperfect contour curves, and then reconstructs the contour curves by taking the zero-crossing lines for the obtained configuration. The system performance is also shown by using a 1R5000 scaled topographicalmap.
Miyuki Kawashima, Ryuji Tokunaga, Yuzo Hirai
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where MVA
Authors Miyuki Kawashima, Ryuji Tokunaga, Yuzo Hirai
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