

Contourlets: a directional multiresolution image representation

15 years 3 months ago
Contourlets: a directional multiresolution image representation
We propose a new scheme, named contourlet, that provides a flexible multiresolution, local and directional image expansion. The contourlet transform is realized efficiently via a double iterated filter bank structure. Furthermore, it can be designed to satisfy the anisotropy scaling relation for curves, and thus offers a fast and structured curvelet-like decomposition. As a result, the contourlet transform provides a sparse representation for two-dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images. Finally, we show some numerical experiments demonstrating the potential of contourlets in several image processing tasks.
Minh N. Do, Martin Vetterli
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICIP
Authors Minh N. Do, Martin Vetterli
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