

Control Considerations for Scalable Event Processing

14 years 8 months ago
Control Considerations for Scalable Event Processing
The growth in the scale of systems and networks has created many challenges for their management, especially for event processing. Our premise is that scaling event processing requires parallelism. To this end, we observe that event processing can be divided into intra-event processing such as filtering and inter-event processing such as root cause analysis. Since intra-event processing is easily parallelized, we propose an architecture in which intra-event processing elements (IAPs) are replicated to scale to larger event input rates. We address two challenges in this architecture. First, the IAPs are subject to overloads that require effective flow control, a capability that was not present in the components we used to build IAPs. Second, we need to balance the loads on IAPs to avoid creating resource bottlenecks. These challenges are further complicated by the presence of disturbances such as CPU intensive administrative tasks that reduce event processing rates. We address these ...
Wei Xu, Joseph L. Hellerstein, Bill Kramer, David
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DSOM
Authors Wei Xu, Joseph L. Hellerstein, Bill Kramer, David A. Patterson
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