

A control polygon scheme for design of planar C2 PH quintic spline curves

14 years 2 months ago
A control polygon scheme for design of planar C2 PH quintic spline curves
A scheme to specify planar C2 Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) quintic spline curves by control polygons is proposed, in which the “ordinary” C2 cubic B-spline curve serves as a reference for the shape of the PH spline. The method facilitates intuitive and efficient constructions of open and closed PH spline curves, that typically agree closely with the corresponding cubic B-spline curves. The C2 PH quintic spline curve associated with a given control polygon and knot sequence is defined to be the “good” interpolant to the nodal points of the C2 cubic spline curve with the same B-spline control points, knot sequence, and end conditions—it may be computed to machine precision by just a few Newton–Raphson iterations from a close starting approximation. The relation between the PH spline and its control polygon is invariant under similarity transformations. Multiple knots may be inserted to reduce the order of continuity to C1 or C0 at specified points, and by means of double kn...
Francesca Pelosi, Maria Lucia Sampoli, Rida T. Far
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CAGD
Authors Francesca Pelosi, Maria Lucia Sampoli, Rida T. Farouki, Carla Manni
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