

A Controller for the LittleDog Quadruped Walking on Rough Terrain

14 years 6 months ago
A Controller for the LittleDog Quadruped Walking on Rough Terrain
— We present a controller for a quadrupedal robot statically walking on known rough terrain. The controller has both deliberative and reactive components for task specific control issues, such as impassable terrain and unmodeled foot slippage. The controller architecture supports multiple gaits, and we present both a stable omnidirectional gait and a faster directional gait. The robot successfully negotiates obstacles up to 7.5 cm (≈40% leg length) tall and navigates over rocky terrain.
John R. Rebula, Peter Neuhaus, Brian V. Bonnlander
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICRA
Authors John R. Rebula, Peter Neuhaus, Brian V. Bonnlander, Matthew J. Johnson, Jerry E. Pratt
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