

Conversation thumbnails for large-scale discussions

15 years 5 days ago
Conversation thumbnails for large-scale discussions
We present a new interface for large-scale online conversations. Our technique, the Conversation Thumbnail, differs from existing discussion interfaces in two respects. First, it employs a focus+context visualization technique that exploits message-level metadata to provide an easily navigable overview of a discussion. Second, it helps reduce conversational redundancy and improve coherence via a fast automatic search mechanism that highlights related messages during message composition. The Conversation Thumbnail Viewer is currently implemented as a Java applet that can be applied to a variety of discussion data sources. Keywords Social Navigation and Visualization, User Interface, Persistent Conversations, Collaboration
Martin Wattenberg, David R. Millen
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors Martin Wattenberg, David R. Millen
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