

Convexifying Monotone Polygons

14 years 7 months ago
Convexifying Monotone Polygons
This paper considers recon gurations of polygons, where each polygon edge is a rigid link, no two of which can cross during the motion. We prove that one can recon gure any monotone polygon into a convex polygon; a polygon is monotone if any vertical line intersects the interior at a (possibly empty) interval. Our algorithm computes in O(n2) time a sequence of O(n2) moves, each of which rotates just four joints at once.
Therese C. Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Sylvain Lazard,
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Therese C. Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Sylvain Lazard, Steven M. Robbins, Michael A. Soss
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