

Coordinating Goals, Preferences, Options, and Analyses for the Stanford Living Laboratory Feasibility Study

14 years 6 months ago
Coordinating Goals, Preferences, Options, and Analyses for the Stanford Living Laboratory Feasibility Study
This paper describes an initial application of Multi-Attribute Collective Decision Analysis for a Design Initiative (MACDADI) on the feasibility study of a mixed-use facility. First, observations of the difficulties the design team experienced communicating their goals, preferences, options, and analyses are presented. Next, the paper describes a formal intervention by the authors, integrating survey, interview, and analytic methods. The project team collected, synthesized, and hierarchically organized their goals; stakeholders' established their relative preferences with respect to these goals; the design team formally rated the design options with respect to the goals; the project team then visualized and assessed the goals, options, preferences, and analyses to assist in a transparent and formal decision making process. A discussion of some of the strengths and weaknesses of the MACDADI process is presented and opportunities for future improvement are identified.
John Haymaker, John Chachere
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors John Haymaker, John Chachere
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