

Coreex: content extraction from online news articles

14 years 2 months ago
Coreex: content extraction from online news articles
We developed and tested a heuristic technique for extracting the main article from news site Web pages. We construct the DOM tree of the page and score every node based on the amount of text and the number of links it contains. The method is site-independent and does not use any languagebased features. We tested our algorithm on a set of 1120 news article pages from 27 domains. This dataset was also used elsewhere to test the performance of another, state-ofthe-art baseline system. Our algorithm achieved over 97% precision and 98% recall, and an average processing speed of under 15ms per page. This precision/recall performance is slightly below the baseline system, but our approach requires significantly less computational work.
Jyotika Prasad, Andreas Paepcke
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CIKM
Authors Jyotika Prasad, Andreas Paepcke
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