

Cost and benefit of rigorous decoupling with context-specific interfaces

14 years 7 months ago
Cost and benefit of rigorous decoupling with context-specific interfaces
In Java programs, classes are coupled to each other through the use of typed references. In order to minimize coupling without changing the executed code, interfaces can be introduced for every declaration element such that each interface contains only those members that are actually needed from the objects referenced by that element. While these interfaces can be automatically computed using type inference, concerns have been raised that rigorous application of this principle would increase the number of types in a program to levels beyond manageability. It should be clear that decoupling is required only in selected places and no one would seriously introduce a minimal interface for every declaration element in a program. Nevertheless we have investigated the actual cost of so doing (counted as the number of new types required) by applying rigorous decoupling to a number of open source Java projects, and contrasted it with the benefit, measured in terms of reduced overall coupling. ...
Florian Forster
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where PPPJ
Authors Florian Forster
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