

Cost Curve Evaluation of Fault Prediction Models

14 years 6 months ago
Cost Curve Evaluation of Fault Prediction Models
Prediction of fault prone software components is one of the most researched problems in software engineering. Many statistical techniques have been proposed but there is no consensus on the methodology to select the “best model” for the specific project. In this paper, we introduce and discuss the merits of cost curve analysis of fault prediction models. Cost curves allow software quality engineers to introduce project-specific cost of module misclassification into model evaluation. Classifying a software module as fault-prone implies the application of some verification activities, thus adding to the development cost. Misclassifying a module as fault free carries the risk of system failure, also associated with cost implications. Through the analysis of sixteen projects from public repositories, we observe that software quality does not necessarily benefit from the prediction of fault prone components. The inclusion of misclassification cost in model evaluation may indicate...
Yue Jiang, Bojan Cukic, Tim Menzies
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Yue Jiang, Bojan Cukic, Tim Menzies
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