

A Cost Effective Pipelined Divider for Double Precision Floating Point Number

14 years 5 months ago
A Cost Effective Pipelined Divider for Double Precision Floating Point Number
Abstract--The growth of high-performance application in computer graphics, signal processing and scientific computing is a key driver for high performance, fixed latency, pipelined floating point dividers. Solutions available in the literature use large lookup table for double precision floating point operations. In this paper, we propose a cost effective, fixed latency pipelined divider using modified Taylor-series expansion for double precision floating point operations. We reduce chip area by using a smaller lookup table. We show that the latency of the proposed divider is 49.4 times the latency of a full-adder. The proposed divider reduces chip area by about 81% than the pipelined divider in [9] which is based on modified Taylor-series.
Sandeep B. Singh, Jayanta Biswas, S. K. Nandy
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ASAP
Authors Sandeep B. Singh, Jayanta Biswas, S. K. Nandy
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