

Cost-effective Product Traceability System Based on Widely Distributed Databases

14 years 21 days ago
Cost-effective Product Traceability System Based on Widely Distributed Databases
— A cost-effective and easy way of introducing a product traceability system is to start from a small system and gradually extend it to a large-scale system. Traceability systems used in previous field tests are unsuitable for largescale deployment because they use a single, centralized database. This paper describes an extendable traceability system proposed by Toshiba that employs distributed databases. Our proposed system called LoTR consists of two components, a DHT-based ID-DB resolution mechanism and TraceBack method. The ID-DB resolution mechanism is used to acquire a DB location from an ID. We apply the DHT to accomplish required scalability. We have developed a DHTDNS mounter to achieve seamless access to DHT-based IDDB resolution from ordinary DNS resolvers. In addition, the TraceBack method creates links to bind distributed databases. We have evaluated the operation of the system with a real field trial. As the next step, we shall analyze its qualitative behavior through...
Shirou Wakayama, Yusuke Doi, Satoshi Ozaki, Atsush
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCM
Authors Shirou Wakayama, Yusuke Doi, Satoshi Ozaki, Atsushi Inoue
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