

A Counter-Intuitive Correlation in a Random Tournament

13 years 9 months ago
A Counter-Intuitive Correlation in a Random Tournament
Consider a randomly oriented graph G = (V, E) and let a, s and b be three distinct vertices in V . We study the correlation between the events {a → s} and {s → b}. We show that, counter-intuitively, when G is the complete graph Kn, n ≥ 5, then the correlation is positive. (It is negative for n = 3 and zero for n = 4.) We briefly discuss and pose problems for the same question on other graphs.
Sven Erick Alm, Svante Linusson
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CPC
Authors Sven Erick Alm, Svante Linusson
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