

Creating a Finite-State Parser with Application Semantics

14 years 8 days ago
Creating a Finite-State Parser with Application Semantics
Parsli is a finite-state (FS) parser which can be tailored to the lexicon, syntax, and semantics of a particular application using a hand-editable declarative lexicon. The lexicon is defined in terms of a lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar, which is subsequently mapped to a FS representation. This approach gives the application designer better and easier control over the natural language understanding component than using an off-the-shelf parser. We present results using Parsli on an application that creates 3D-images from typed input. 1 Parsing and Application-Specific Semantics One type of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) application is exemplified by the database access problem: the user may type in free source language text, but the NLU component must map this text to a fixed set of actions dictated by the underlying application program. We will call such NLU applications "applicationsemantic NLU". Other examples of applicationsemantic NLU include interfaces to comma...
Owen Rambow, Srinivas Bangalore, Tahir Butt, Alexi
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Owen Rambow, Srinivas Bangalore, Tahir Butt, Alexis Nasr, Richard Sproat
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