

Creation and Growth of Components in a Random Hypergraph Process

14 years 4 months ago
Creation and Growth of Components in a Random Hypergraph Process
Denote by an -component a connected b-uniform hypergraph with k edges and k(b - 1) - vertices. We prove that the expected number of creations of -component during a random hypergraph process tends to 1 as and b tend to with the total number of vertices n such that = o 3 n b . Under the same conditions, we also show that the expected number of vertices that ever belong to an -component is approximately 121/3 (b-1)1/3 1/3 n2/3 . As an immediate consequence, it follows that with high probability the largest -component during the process is of size O((b - 1)1/3 1/3 n2/3 ). Our results give insight about the size of giant components inside the phase transition of random hypergraphs.
Vlady Ravelomanana, Alphonse Laza Rijamamy
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Vlady Ravelomanana, Alphonse Laza Rijamamy
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