

Cross-Cultural Multimedia Language Learning: Case Study and Analysis

13 years 10 months ago
Cross-Cultural Multimedia Language Learning: Case Study and Analysis
Abstract. This paper describes a pedagogical pattern for cross-cultural language learning and its application in a case study involving learners in Australia and China. The pattern uses a multimedia discussion tool as its main component, supported by video conferencing and chat. We analyze how students interacted with the tools, especially the documents they created and the commenting behavior. Based on this analysis, we give a set of recommendations relevant to practitioners and researchers in technology-enhanced language learning.
Carsten Ullrich, Kerstin Borau, Scott Grant, Danie
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICWL
Authors Carsten Ullrich, Kerstin Borau, Scott Grant, Daniel Jackson, Ruimin Shen
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