

Cross Layer Multirate Adaptation Using Physical Capture

14 years 7 months ago
Cross Layer Multirate Adaptation Using Physical Capture
Abstract—In this paper, to improve the performance of multihop wireless networks, we explore a cross layer multirate adaptation scheme (we call it CROMA) that uses the phenomenon of physical capture at the physical layer for effectively distinguishing losses due to collisions from those due to channel-error. We first estimate the number of packets dropped due to collisions, at each node by counting the number of packets that are not successfully retrieved by physical capture. Next, using a simple algorithm, we assign this collision loss to neighboring sources of packets that might have generated the colliding packets. Using extensive ns2 simulations, we show that our multirate adaptation scheme consistently outperforms the existing schemes.
Jun Cheol Park, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Neal Patwari
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jun Cheol Park, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Neal Patwari
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