

Cross-Layer Survivability in WDM-Based Networks

14 years 8 months ago
Cross-Layer Survivability in WDM-Based Networks
—In layered networks, a single failure at a lower layer may cause multiple failures in the upper layers. As a result, traditional schemes that protect against single failures may not be effective in cross-layer networks. In this paper, we introduce the problem of maximizing the connectivity of layered networks. We show that connectivity metrics in layered networks have significantly different meaning than their single-layer counterparts. Results that are fundamental to survivable single-layer network design, such as the Max-Flow Min-Cut theorem, are no longer applicable to the layered setting. We propose new metrics to measure connectivity in layered networks and analyze their properties. We use one of the metrics, Min Cross Layer Cut, as the objective for the survivable lightpath routing problem, and develop several algorithms to produce lightpath routings with high survivability. This allows the resulting cross-layer architecture to be resilient to failures.
Kyunghan Lee, Eytan Modiano
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Kyunghan Lee, Eytan Modiano
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