

Crucial Words for Abelian Powers

13 years 10 months ago
Crucial Words for Abelian Powers
A word is crucial with respect to a given set of prohibited words (or simply prohibitions) if it avoids the prohibitions but it cannot be extended to the right by any letter of its alphabet without creating a prohibition. A minimal crucial word is a crucial word of the shortest length. A word W contains an abelian k-th power if W has a factor of the form X1X2 . . . Xk where Xi is a permutation of X1 for 2 i k. When k = 2 or 3, one deals with abelian squares and abelian cubes, respectively. Evdokimov and Kitaev [6] have shown that a minimal crucial word over an n-letter alphabet An = {1, 2, . . . , n} avoiding abelian squares has length 4n - 7 for n 3. In this paper, we show that a minimal crucial word over An avoiding abelian cubes has length 9n-13 for n 5, and it has length 2, 5, 11, and 20 for n = 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Moreover, for n 4 and k 2, we give a construction of length k2 (n-1)-k -1 of a crucial word over An avoiding abelian k-th powers. This construction gives...
Amy Glen, Bjarni V. Halldórsson, Sergey Kit
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where DLT
Authors Amy Glen, Bjarni V. Halldórsson, Sergey Kitaev
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