

Cultural Adaptivity for the Semantic Web

14 years 6 months ago
Cultural Adaptivity for the Semantic Web
Our research explores the possibilities for factoring culture into user models, working towards cultural adaptivity in the semantic web. The aim is to represent the user’s position in different cultural dimensions in a reusable, distributed cultural user model, exploiting the ability to interpret and share information in the Semantic Web. We give an overview of related work, before presenting how we build upon existing approaches. Summarizing our work conducted so far, we present a research plan that describes our efforts towards a test environment and our intention to validate our cultural user model by comparison to our previous experience of the manual adaptation of imbuto. 1 Motivation Culturally adapted user interfaces have been demonstrated to outperform ordinary applications for culturally diverse user groups with regard to user acceptance and usability in general. It is all the more surprising that culture has so far played only a minor role in the design of user interfaces...
Katharina Reinecke
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Katharina Reinecke
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