

Cumulative Readings of Every Do Not Provide Evidence for Events and Thematic Roles

14 years 1 months ago
Cumulative Readings of Every Do Not Provide Evidence for Events and Thematic Roles
An argument by Kratzer (2000) based on Schein (1986, 1993) does not conclusively show that events and thematic roles are necessary ingredients of the logical representation of natural language sentences. The argument claims that cumulative readings of every can be represented only with these ingredients. But scope-splitting accounts make it possible to represent cumulative readings of every in an eventless framework. Such accounts are motivated by obligatory reconstruction effects of every and by crosslinguistic considerations. Kratzer proposes that agent but not theme occurs in the logical representation of sentences because this allows her to model subject-object asymmetries in the distribution of cumulative every. But the reason for these asymmetries seems to be that every must be c-commanded by another quantifier in order to cumulate with it, no matter what its thematic role is. So the distribution of cumulative every does not provide support for Kratzer's proposal.
Lucas Champollion
Added 16 Feb 2011
Updated 16 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Lucas Champollion
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