

Cuttings for Disks and Axis-Aligned Rectangles

14 years 8 months ago
Cuttings for Disks and Axis-Aligned Rectangles
We present new asymptotically tight bounds on cuttings, a fundamental data structure in computational geometry. For n objects in space and a parameter r ∈ N, an 1 r -cutting is a covering of the space with simplices such that the interior of each simplex intersects at most n/r objects. For n pairwise disjoint disks in R3 and a parameter r ∈ N, we construct a 1 r -cutting of size O(r2 ). For n axis-aligned rectangles in R3 , we construct a 1 r -cutting of size O(r3/2 ). As an application related to multi-point location in three-space, we present tight bounds on the cost of spanning trees across barriers. Given n points and a finite set of disjoint disk barriers in R3 , the points can be connected with a straight line spanning tree such that every disk is stabbed by at most O( √ n) edges of the tree. If the barriers are axis-aligned rectangles, then there is a straight line spanning tree such that every rectangle is stabbed by O(n1/3 ) edges. Both bounds are best possible.
Eynat Rafalin, Diane L. Souvaine, Csaba D. T&oacut
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WADS
Authors Eynat Rafalin, Diane L. Souvaine, Csaba D. Tóth
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