

CV-SLAM: A new ceiling vision-based SLAM technique

14 years 9 months ago
CV-SLAM: A new ceiling vision-based SLAM technique
We propose a fast and robust CV-SLAM (Ceiling Vision –based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technique using a single ceiling vision sensor. The proposed algorithm is suitable for system that demands very high localization accuracy such as an intelligent robot vacuum cleaner. A single camera looking upward direction (called ceiling vision system) is mounted on the robot, and salient image features are detected and tracked through the image sequence. Compared with the conventional frontal view systems, the ceiling vision has advantage in tracking, since it involves only rotation and affine transform without scale change. And, in this paper, we solve the rotation and affine transform problems using 3D gradient orientation estimation method and multi-view description of landmarks. By applying these methods to the solution for data association, we can reconstruct the 3D landmark map in real- time through the Extend Kalman filter based SLAM framework. Furthermore, relocation problem...
Woo Yeon Jeong (Seoul National University), Kyoung
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IROS
Authors Woo Yeon Jeong (Seoul National University), Kyoung Mu Lee (Seoul National University)
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