

D-Dupe: An Interactive Tool for Entity Resolution in Social Networks

14 years 6 months ago
D-Dupe: An Interactive Tool for Entity Resolution in Social Networks
Visualizing and analyzing social networks is a challenging problem that has been receiving growing attention. An important first step, before analysis can begin, is ensuring that the data is accurate. A common data quality problem is that the data may inadvertently contain several distinct references to the same underlying entity; the process of reconciling these references is called entityresolution. D-Dupe is an interactive tool that combines data mining algorithms for entity resolution with a task-specific network visualization. Users cope with complexity of cleaning large networks by focusing on a small subnetwork containing a potential duplicate pair. The subnetwork highlights relationships in the social network, making the common relationships easy to visually identify. D-Dupe users resolve ambiguities either by merging nodes or by marking them distinct. The entity resolution process is iterative: as pairs of nodes are resolved, additional duplicates may be revealed; therefore...
Mustafa Bilgic, Louis Licamele, Lise Getoor, Ben S
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where GD
Authors Mustafa Bilgic, Louis Licamele, Lise Getoor, Ben Shneiderman
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