

D1HT: a distributed one hop hash table

14 years 9 months ago
D1HT: a distributed one hop hash table
Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) have been used in a variety of applications, but most DHTs so far have opted to solve lookups with multiple hops, which sacrifices performance in order to keep little routing information and minimize maintenance traffic. In this paper, we introduce D1HT, a novel single hop DHT that is able to maximize performance with reasonable maintenance traffic overhead even for huge and dynamic P2P systems. We formally define the algorithm we use to detect and notify any membership change in the system, prove its correctness and performance properties. Our analysis show that D1HT has reasonable maintenance bandwidth requirements even for multi-million node systems while presenting up to one order of magnitude less bandwidth overhead than previous single hop DHT.
Luiz Rodolpho Monnerat, Cláudio L. Amorim
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IPPS
Authors Luiz Rodolpho Monnerat, Cláudio L. Amorim
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