

D2Pt: Privacy-Aware Multiparty Data Publication

8 years 10 months ago
D2Pt: Privacy-Aware Multiparty Data Publication
: Today, publication of medical data faces high legal barriers. On the one hand, publishing medical data is important for medical research. On the other hand, it is neccessary to protect peoples’ privacy by ensuring that the relationship between individuals and their related medical data remains unknown to third parties. Various data anonymization techniques remove as little identifying information as possible to maintain a high data utility while satisfying the strict demands of privacy laws. Current research in this area proposes a multitude of concepts for data anonymization. The concept of k-anonymity allows data publication by hiding identifying information without losing its semantics. Based on k-anonymity, the concept of t-closeness incorporates semantic relationships between personal data values, therefore increasing the strength of the anonymization. However, these concepts are restricted to a centralized data source. In this paper, we extend existing data privacy mechanisms...
Jan Hendrik Nielsen, Daniel Janusz, Jochen Taeschn
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BTW
Authors Jan Hendrik Nielsen, Daniel Janusz, Jochen Taeschner, Johann-Christoph Freytag
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