

Data-aware connectivity in mobile replicated systems

14 years 5 months ago
Data-aware connectivity in mobile replicated systems
Optimistic replication is a fundamental technique for supporting concurrent work practices in mobile environments. However, due to sudden and frequent transitions to weakly connected situations, user experience when accessing replicated data is poor and discourages users from using the replication service. While most research on optimistic replication assumes weak connectivity as a fixed imposition of the environment, weak connectivity often results from a user option of disconnecting available connections in order to reduce battery and/or monetary cost. This paper argues that such a choice can be considerably optimized if driven by the system, rather than the user. For that, we propose to rely on the accurate knowledge the system can have about the replicas it stores, along with the information about the available connections and the corresponding costs. We introduce the notion of data-aware connectivity, where the system regulates which available connections to enable, with the int...
João Pedro Barreto, João Garcia, Lu&
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors João Pedro Barreto, João Garcia, Luís Veiga, Paulo Ferreira
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