

Data-dependent fairing of subdivision surfaces

14 years 5 months ago
Data-dependent fairing of subdivision surfaces
In this paper we present a new algorithm for solving the data dependent fairing problem for subdivision surfaces, using Catmull-Clark surfaces as an example. Earlier approaches to subdivision surface fairing encountered problems with singularities in the parametrization of the surface. We address these issues through the use of the characteristic map parametrization, leading to well defined membrane and bending energies even at irregular vertices. Combining this approach with ideas from data-dependent energy operators we are able to express the associated nonlinear stiffness matrices for Catmull-Clark surfaces as linear combinations of precomputed energy matrices. This machinery also provides exact, inexpensive gradients and Hessians of the new energy operators. With these the nonlinear minimization problem can be solved in a stable and efficient way using Steihaug’s Newton/CG trust-region method. We compare properties of linear and nonlinear methods through a number of examples a...
Ilja Friedel, Patrick Mullen, Peter Schröder
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SMA
Authors Ilja Friedel, Patrick Mullen, Peter Schröder
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