

Data Mining Using Cultural Algorithms and Regional Schemata

14 years 5 months ago
Data Mining Using Cultural Algorithms and Regional Schemata
In the paper we demonstrate how evolutionary search for functional optima can be used as a vehicle for data mining. That is, in the process of searching for optima in a multi-dimensional space we can keep track of the constraints that must be placed on related variables in order to move towards the optima. Thus, a side effect of evolutionary search can be the mining of constraints for related variables. Here we use a Cultural Algorithm framework to embed the search and store the results in regional schemata. An application to a large-scale realworld archaeological data set is presented.
Xidong Jin, Robert G. Reynolds
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Xidong Jin, Robert G. Reynolds
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