

Dating example for information architecture

15 years 3 months ago
Dating example for information architecture
This paper provides the documented explanations of our submitted poster to CHI 2003 about the process of Information Architecture (IA). The general theme of CHI 2003 was to deliver an innovative way of presenting IA in order to better the IA community through a given theme or use of a metaphor. Our poster, IA Dating Example for Information Architecture, explains how IA is related to everyone's daily lives. In this document, we describe the similarities of IA in the web field and in dating in each step of the IA process. Keywords Dating, Information Architecture, IA, Student Posters, Conference Posters, Conference submissions, CHI 2003, Ray Henderson, TaRan Wilson, Miyuki Shimbo, Multimedia and Web Design, The Art Institute of Atlanta.
Ray Henderson, TaRan Wilson, Miyuki Shimbo
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors Ray Henderson, TaRan Wilson, Miyuki Shimbo
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