

DAVO: A Domain-Adaptable, Visual BPEL4WS Orchestrator

14 years 5 months ago
DAVO: A Domain-Adaptable, Visual BPEL4WS Orchestrator
The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) is the de facto standard for the composition of web services into complex, valued-added workflows in both industry and academia. Since the composition of web services into a workflow is challenging and error-prone, several graphical BPEL4WS workflow editors have been developed. These tools focus on the composition process and the visualization of workflows and mainly address the needs of web service experts. To increase the acceptance of BPEL4WS in new application domains, it is mandatory that non web service experts are also empowered to easily compose web services into a workflow. This paper presents the Domain-Adaptable Visual Orchestrator (DAVO), a graphical BPEL4WS workflow editor which offers a domain-adaptable data model and user interface. DAVO can be easily customized to domain needs and thus is suitable for non web service experts.
Tim Dörnemann, Markus Mathes, Roland Schwarzk
Added 09 Jul 2010
Updated 09 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AINA
Authors Tim Dörnemann, Markus Mathes, Roland Schwarzkopf, Ernst Juhnke, Bernd Freisleben
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