

DBpedia Live Extraction

14 years 8 months ago
DBpedia Live Extraction
The DBpedia project extracts information from Wikipedia, interlinks it with other knowledge bases, and makes this data available as RDF. So far the DBpedia project has succeeded in creating one of the largest knowledge bases on the Data Web, which is used in many applications and research prototypes. However, the heavy-weight extraction process has been a drawback. It requires manual effort to produce a new release and the extracted information is not up-to-date. We extended DBpedia with a live extraction framework, which is capable of processing tens of thousands of changes per day in order to consume the constant stream of Wikipedia updates. This allows direct modifications of the knowledge base and closer interaction of users with DBpedia. We also show how the Wikipedia community itself is now able to take part in the DBpedia ontology engineering process and that an interactive roundtrip engineering between Wikipedia and DBpedia is made possible.
Sebastian Hellmann, Claus Stadler, Jens Lehmann, S
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where OTM
Authors Sebastian Hellmann, Claus Stadler, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer
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