

De-noising and Recovering Images Based on Kernel PCA Theory

14 years 3 months ago
De-noising and Recovering Images Based on Kernel PCA Theory
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a basis transformation to diagonalize an estimate of the covariance matrix of input data and, the new coordinates in the Eigenvector basis are called principal components. Since Kernel PCA is just a PCA in feature space F , the projection of an image in input space can be reconstructed from its principal components in feature space. This enables us to perform several applications concerning de-noising and recovering images. Because of the superiority of Kernel PCA over linear PCA, we also get satisfactory effects of de-noising images using Kernel PCA. Keywords Kernel PCA; principal components; feature space; de-noising and recovering
Pengcheng Xi, Tao Xu
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSCG
Authors Pengcheng Xi, Tao Xu
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