

A Decade of XML Data Management: An Industrial Experience Report from Oracle

13 years 10 months ago
A Decade of XML Data Management: An Industrial Experience Report from Oracle
XML and its related technologies have now been in use for almost a decade. There has been considerable amount of effort both from research and industry focusing on XML, XQuery/XPath, XSLT and SQL/XML processing in the database. Many research prototypes and industrial products have been built to satisfy the XML use cases. This paper reviews several use cases where XML databases are leveraged to build real-world XML applications. We discuss the lessons learnt in supporting both data-centric and document-centric XMLDB applications within a single database system and the need for the implementation of different XML storage, index and query optimisation techniques for different XML use cases. We show the value of managing XML in databases, the current challenges and improvements that will hopefully promote future research directions. This paper also provides a timely checkpoint of XML data management from industrial perspective with experience of developing and supporting Oracle XML produc...
Zhen Hua Liu, Ravi Murthy
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICDE
Authors Zhen Hua Liu, Ravi Murthy
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