

A Decentralized Network Coordinate System for Robust Internet Distance

14 years 6 months ago
A Decentralized Network Coordinate System for Robust Internet Distance
Network distance, measured as round-trip latency between hosts, is important for the performance of many Internet applications. For example, nearest server selection and proximity routing in peer-to-peer networks rely on the ability to select nodes based on inter-host latencies. This paper presents PCoord, a decentralized network coordinate system for Internet distance prediction. In PCoord, the network is modeled as a D-dimensional geometric space; each host computes its coordinates in this geometric space to characterize its network location based on a small number of peer-to-peer network measurements. The goal is to embed hosts in the geometric space so that the Euclidean distance between two hosts’ coordinates accurately predicts their actual inter-host network latency. PCoord constructs network coordinates in a fully decentralized fashion. We present several mechanisms in PCoord to stabilize the system convergence. Our simulation results using real Internet measurements suggest...
Li-wei Lehman, Steven Lerman
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ITNG
Authors Li-wei Lehman, Steven Lerman
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