

A decentralized task scheduling algorithm and its performance modeling for computer networks

14 years 4 months ago
A decentralized task scheduling algorithm and its performance modeling for computer networks
A dynamic taskschedulingalgorithm,that isstable,decentralized,and adaptivetonetwork topology,ispresented. Theproposedalgorithmisanextensionofnearestneighbor loadbalancingstrategywithanenhanceddegreeofefJiciencyand itisintendedformulticomputersconnectedbyastore andforward communicationnetwork. Theproposedalgorithm ismodeledby a central server openqueuingnetwork. It is shown that the responsetime of a task consistsof two parts. Thefirstpart comprisesa task‘ssettling time which consistsofscheduling time,communication time,and waiting timeinscheduling and communicationqueues. Thesecond part compriseswaiting time in the executionqueue in theexecutiontimeitself.Inordertoreducethefirstresponse time,thescheduling algorithmneeds tobe stable,so that a taskisquicklysettledat somenode. Onthe otherhand,the second response time isreduced if the algorithmejiciently migratesthe task toa lightlyloadednode.Theproposed algorithmis comprehensivelyevaluated,throughsimulation and analyticalmodel,and issh...
Ishfaq Ahmad, Arif Ghafoor, Kishan G. Mehrotra
Added 27 Aug 2010
Updated 27 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1991
Where SPDP
Authors Ishfaq Ahmad, Arif Ghafoor, Kishan G. Mehrotra
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