

On Deciding Deep Holes of Reed-Solomon Codes

14 years 6 months ago
On Deciding Deep Holes of Reed-Solomon Codes
For generalized Reed-Solomon codes, it has been proved [7] that the problem of determining if a received word is a deep hole is coNP-complete. The reduction relies on the fact that the evaluation set of the code can be exponential in the length of the code – a property that practical codes do not usually possess. In this paper, we first present a much simpler proof of the same result. We then consider the problem for standard Reed-Solomon codes, i.e. the evaluation set consists of all the nonzero elements in the field. We reduce the problem of identifying deep holes to deciding whether an absolutely irreducible hypersurface over a finite field contains a rational point whose coordinates are pairwise distinct and nonzero. By applying Cafure-Matera estimation of rational points on algebraic varieties, we prove that the received vector (f(α))α∈Fp for the Reed-Solomon [p − 1, k]p, k < p1/4− , cannot be a deep hole, whenever f(x) is a polynomial of degree k + d for 1 ≤ d ...
Qi Cheng, Elizabeth Murray
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where TAMC
Authors Qi Cheng, Elizabeth Murray
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