

Decision feedback equalization in SC-FDMA

14 years 8 months ago
Decision feedback equalization in SC-FDMA
Abstract-SC-FDMA (Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access) is employed in tbe 3GPP LTE (Long-Term Evolution) standard as tbe uplink transmission scbeme. Tbe SC-FDMA signal bas a low PAPR. This makes it well-suited to power efficient transmission at tbe mobile terminal. Altbough it is a common assumption to use frequency-domain linear equalization in SC-FDMA, a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) composed of a frequency-domain feedforward filter and a time-domain feedback filter can provide enbanced performance. Even when error propagation is taken into account, results show that a DFE still offers a significant performance gain over tbe conventional LE for uncoded SC-FDMA. Tbis paper demonstrates tbat SC-FDMA with DFE is capable of increasing tbe throughput in a power limited cbannel by up to 41% compared to LE. Alternatively, for a given peak transmit power, the use of a DFE can achieve a 14% coverage extension in NLOS and 19% in LOS.
Gillian Huang, Andrew R. Nix, Simon Armour
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Gillian Huang, Andrew R. Nix, Simon Armour
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