

Decision Support System on the Grid

14 years 8 months ago
Decision Support System on the Grid
Aero engines are extremely reliable machines and operational failures are rare. However, currently great effort is being put into reducing the number of in-flight engine shutdowns, aborted take-offs and flight delays through the use of advanced engine health monitoring technology. This represents a benefit to society through reduced delays, reduced anxiety and reduced cost of ownership of aircraft. This is reflected in a change of emphasis within aero engine companies where, instead of selling engines to customers, there is a fundamental shift to adoption of power-by-the-hour contracts. In these contracts, airlines make fixed regular payments based on the hours flown and the engine manufacturer retains responsibility for maintaining the engine. To support this new approach, improvements in in-flight monitoring of engines are being introduced with the collection of much more detailed data on the operation of the engine. At the same time advances have been made in Internet technologies p...
Max Ong, Xiaoxu Ren, J. Allan, Visakan Kadirkamana
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where KES
Authors Max Ong, Xiaoxu Ren, J. Allan, Visakan Kadirkamanathan, Haydn A. Thompson, Peter J. Fleming
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