

Decision Trees and Influence: an Inductive Proof of the OSSS Inequality

13 years 8 months ago
Decision Trees and Influence: an Inductive Proof of the OSSS Inequality
: We give a simple proof of the OSSS inequality (O'Donnell, Saks, Schramm, Servedio, FOCS 2005). The inequality states that for any decision tree T calculating a Boolean function f : {0,1}n {-1,1}, we have Var[f] i i(T)Infi(f), where i(T) is the probability that the input variable xi is read by T and Infi(f) is the influence of the ith variable on f.
Homin K. Lee
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TOC
Authors Homin K. Lee
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