

Decoder Error Probability of MRD Codes

14 years 10 days ago
Decoder Error Probability of MRD Codes
In this paper, we first introduce the concept of elementary linear subspace, which has similar properties to those of a set of coordinates. Using this new concept, we derive properties of maximum rank distance (MRD) codes that parallel those of maximum distance separable (MDS) codes. Using these properties, we show that the decoder error probability of MRD codes with error correction capability t decreases exponentially with t2 based on the assumption that all errors with the same rank are equally likely. We argue that the channel based on this assumption is an approximation of a channel corrupted by crisscross errors.
Maximilien Gadouleau, Zhiyuan Yan
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CORR
Authors Maximilien Gadouleau, Zhiyuan Yan
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