

Deferred Assignment Scheduling in Cluster-Based Servers

14 years 1 months ago
Deferred Assignment Scheduling in Cluster-Based Servers
This paper proposes a new scheduling policy for cluster-based servers called DAS (Deferred Assignment Scheduling). The main idea in DAS is to defer scheduling as much as possible, in order to make better use of the accumulated information on job sizes. In broad outline, DAS operates as follows: (1) incoming jobs are held by the dispatcher in a buffer; (2) the dispatcher monitors the number of jobs being processed by each server; (3) when the number of jobs at a server queue drops below a prescribed threshold, the dispatcher sends to it the shortest job in its buffer. To gauge the efficacy of DAS, the paper presents simulation studies, using various data traces. The studies collected response times and slowdowns for two cluster configurations under multi-threaded and multi-process back-end server architectures. The experimental results show that in both architectures, DAS outperforms the Round-Robin policy in all traffic regimes, and the JSQ (Join Shortest Queue) policy in medium and h...
Victoria Ungureanu, Benjamin Melamed, Michael N. K
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Victoria Ungureanu, Benjamin Melamed, Michael N. Katehakis, Phillip G. Bradford
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